Friday 29 March 2013

Vocal Training

For a couple of years I have been lucky enough to work with the renowned vocal coach and writer Gillyanne Kayes, who has helped me with my voice through the difficult stages of puberty, which if not used correctly can harm the voice permanently.

Now, not everyone is lucky enough to have a private vocal tutor, but there are some fantastic online tutorials out there.. I'm gonna give you a link which is a program I use when I'm away from the UK and my singing teacher.

A powerful voice or being able to Hit a Top C is great, but it's no good if you have no basic vocal technique.  To become a good singer you need to train your voice using correct vocal exercises and breathing techniques.  This will not only improve the quality of your voice, but will also increase your vocal stamina.  By following this excellent program you will soon be on the road to achieving your  goal.    

Here is the link -

Wishing you every success and God Bless!

Charlie Green